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بواسطة ChristianEagle
منذ 5 سنوات
منتدى: الدراسة في بلد اللجوء
موضوع: اكمال او اعادة الدارسة جامعة الناس University of the People
ردود: 2
مشاهدات: 4104

Re: اكمال او اعادة الدارسة جامعة الناس University of the People

Tocanada كتب:
منذ 5 سنوات 
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نتمنى نسمع اكثر عن باقي الدول
فيه جامعات اوروبية معتمدة في اوروبا فقط والدراسه اونلاين ببلاش للاجئين بس ماقدرت احصل الروابط اللي شفتها قبل اللي عنده معلومات ياليت يفيدنا
بواسطة ChristianEagle
منذ 5 سنوات
منتدى: الدراسة في بلد اللجوء
موضوع: اكمال او اعادة الدارسة جامعة الناس University of the People
ردود: 2
مشاهدات: 4104

اكمال او اعادة الدارسة جامعة الناس University of the People

اغلب الاسئلة تكون بعض الاحيان في المنتدى عن اكمال الدراسة في بلدان اللجوء والحقيقية ان الموضوع مايحتاج قلق
في امريكا اغلب الجامعات تعطي منح دراسية للاجئين بس المشكلة مشاويرفجبت لكم الحل الافضل وهو جامعة الناس
الجامعة هذي الدراسه فيها عن طريق النت (اون لاين ) بس الاختبارات لازم واحد يراقب عليك (فيه شركات تراقب عليك)
حتى لو مامعك شهاداتك يكتفون باقرار منك وشهادة من محاميك انك لاتستطيع الحصول على اخر شهادة لك !
الجامعة معتمدة من التعليم العالي في امريكا وكونها جامعة امريكية معتمدة فهي مقبولة في اغلب دول العالم (حتى لو انك في المهلكة تقدر تدرس فيها الخيار هذا ينفع للبنات اللي اهلهم رافضين دراستهم)
عندهم ايضا ماجستير وبكالوريوس
في بكالوريوس الحاسب الالي لو اردت اكمال اخر سنتين في جامعة يوسي بروكلي الجامعة تقبلك بكل سهوله وهي من اقوى جامعات امريكا
مزيتها يعطون منح للاجئين , والدراسة فيها رخيصة جدا جدا جدا
University of the People (UoPeople) is the Education Revolution. It is the first non-profit, tuition-free, American accredited online university. Dedicated to opening access to higher education globally, UoPeople is designed to help qualified high school graduates overcome financial, geographic, political, and personal constraints keeping them from collegiate studies. The university offers associate and bachelor’s degree programs in business administration, computer science, and health science as well as master’s degree programs in business administration and education. UoPeople was founded in 2009 and accredited in February 2014. Today, it has over 17,000 students enrolled from more than 200 countries and territories. 1,000 of these students are refugees, of whom 600 are Syrian.

UNESCO estimates that, by the year 2025, there will be nearly 100 million young people seeking seats in universities that don’t exist. UoPeople is an essential part of avoiding such a tragic missed opportunity for would-be students. The university believes that access to higher education can promote world peace and global economic development. As a basic right, higher education can transform not only the lives of students, but also their families’ lives, their communities, their nations and, by extension, the world.

The university is directed by President Shai Reshef, an education entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience, and by distinguished international boards of trustees and advisors. Its President’s Council is led by current and former leadership from several of the world’s foremost institutions, including: John Sexton, President Emeritus of NYU; George Rupp, President Emeritus of Columbia University; Catharine Bond Hill, President Emerita of Vassar College; Nicholas Dirks, former chancellor of UC Berkeley; Judith Shapiro, President Emerita of Barnard College, and Nobel Laureate Torsten N. Wiesel, President Emeritus of The Rockefeller University. More than 7,000 professionals have volunteered for the university, including those filling key UoPeople leadership positions.

UoPeople has academic partnerships with NYU, the University of Edinburgh, and UC Berkeley, where qualified UoPeople students may apply to transfer and continue studies. 92% of UoPeople graduates are employed, including at such companies as Amazon, Apple, Dell, Deloitte, IBM, Microsoft, and JP Morgan, as well as institutions such as the UN and the World Bank.

UoPeople is supported by the generosity of individuals and foundations, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Fondation Hoffmann, The Ford Foundation, and more. UoPeople has been covered by the New York Times, BBC, NPR, Times Higher Education, US News and World Report, and more. President Reshef’s TED Talk about the university and its mission has over 5.5 million views.

UoPeople is building a sustainable new model for higher education, in which students are asked to pay only a $100 assessment fee at the end of each course ($200 in the MBA). One year of study (10 courses) costs $1,000, and a four-year bachelor’s degree is only $4,000. For students who might find even these modest fees prohibitive, the university offers a variety of scholarships, to fulfill the part of its mission that no qualified student will be left behind for financial reasons.
UoPeople provides students the opportunity to receive an online degree program completely tuition-free. It is our goal to make higher-education accessible to all, anytime, anywhere. We do not charge our students for courses, course materials, or annual enrollment, making degree programs affordable and accessible. Our unique online model of higher education allows us to bring the classroom to you– cutting the cost for our students overall.

Our tuition-free model allows us to provide leading degree programs in an innovative classroom setting. We offer students a choice of an online Associate and/or Bachelor degree in either Business Administration, Computer Science or Health Science as well as master’s degree programs in business administration and education, all tuition-free, online, flexible, and easily accessible.

It is the University’s mission to provide affordable, tuition-free education for everybody. University of the People is tuition-free, which means there is no charge for teaching or instruction. To help support the university’s continued operation, UoPeople charges a $60 application fee, and an Assessment Fee per course completed ($100 for the undergraduate programs, and $200 for the graduate programs). That’s it. No annual enrollment fees, and no cost for course material. For those who cannot afford these fees, scholarships are available to help support their studies.

Based on this, an associate’s degree can be completed in 2 years for $2060, a bachelor degree can be completed in 4 years for $4060. For graduate degree programs, the MBA can be completed in 15 months for $2460, and the M.Ed. can be completed in 17 months for $2,66o. UoPeople will never request these amounts upfront, but rather students will pay each Assessment Fee by the end of each exam period. These modest fees ensure that the University remains sustainable and can continue to provide quality education for everybody.

There are scholarships available for those students who cannot afford the nominal processing fees of the University. It is the University’s belief that everyone deserves the right to an education, and that no one should be left behind due to financial constraints.
“Tuition-free” means that University of the People, unlike other universities, does not charge students for their educational instruction, course materials or annual enrollment. In order to maintain our high-quality online programs, UoPeople does charge modest, per-course assessment fees.

Thanks to the generosity of donors, scholarships are made available in select cases to help students in need cover these assessment fees. Students can apply each term for scholarships to cover our Application Processing Fee and Exam Processing Fees.

Business Administration
Master's Degree (MBA)
Bachelor's Degree
Associate's Degree
Computer Science
Bachelor's Degree
Associate's Degree
Health Science
Bachelor's Degree
Associate's Degree
Master of Education (M.Ed.)

https://ope.ed.gov/accreditation/Search ... 333520414d
https://www.uopeople.edu/become-student ... n-process/